Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Nabq Protectorate

Thirty-five kilometres north of Sharm 
el-Sheikh is Nabq, the largest coastal protectorate on the Gulf of    
Aqaba. Nabq covers approximately 600 sq km of land and sea between the straits of Tiran and Dahab. Because it is less frequently visited than Ras Mohammed, Nabq is a good place to see Sinai as it was before the arrival of mass tourism.
Nabq's main attraction is its mangrove forest, which runs along the shore line at the mouth of Wadi Kid and is the most northerly mangrove stand in the world.

Mangrove root systems filter most of the salt from sea water and help to stabilize shore lines, while also providing an important habitat for birds and fish. Gazelles, rock hyraxes and Nubian ibexes can be seen in the protectorate, as well as two villages of Bedouin from the Mizena tribe.    


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