Thursday, August 1, 2013

Luxor Temple

Largely built by the New Kingdod pharaohs AmenhotepIII and Ramses II. This Temple is a strikingly
graceful monument in the heart of the modern town. The Temple, also known as the southern sanctuary, was largely built for the Opet Celebrations, when the statues of Amun, Mut and Khonsu were annually reunited during the inundation season with that of Amun of Opet. The opet festival was the most important annual religious festival in Thebes and Ancient Egypt, when the barque shrine of the Theban triad Amun, Mut and Khonsu  were taken in a procession from Karnak Temple to their home at Luxor Temple. The festival lasted two to four weeks during the summer, the second month of the nile flood, and was particularly important during the new kingdom.


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