Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Blue Hole

The blue hole is Egypt's most infamous dive site. It is caved into a reef just offshore from Dahab. The Blue Hole is a gaping sinkhole that drops straight down- some say to as deep as 130m. The trap is an archway at approximately 65m, which connects the sinkhole to the open ocean. If you leave the depths to the experienced technical divers, you will find the outer lip of the Blue Hole is full of marine life, and a reasonable plunge into the hole itself is somewhat akin to skydiving.
The entry point is at the Bells, a narrow breach in the reef table that forms a pool close to shore. From here, you descend through a chimney, exiting at 27m on a ledge that opens to the sea. If you swim south along the wall, a saddle in the reef at 7m allows you to enter the Blue Hole. As long as you monitor your depth carefully, you can finish up the dive by swimming across the sinkhole towards shore. 


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