Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Temple of the Queen Hatshepsut

This Temple is one of ancient Egypt's finest monuments with its unique design. It was designed by Senenmut,
a courtier at Hatshepsut's court and also thought to have been her lover. It is the only temple in Egypt built in terrace formation into the cliff face.  The best-preserved relief are on the middle terrace. The reliefs in the north colonnade record Hatshepsut's divine birth and at the end of it is the chapel of Anubis, with well-preserved colorful reliefs of a disfigured Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis III (her successor) in the presence of Anubis( the jackal), Ra-Horakhty and Hathor( the cow). The wonder fully detailed reliefs in the Punt Colonnade to the left of the entrance tell the story of the expedition to the land of Punt( now Somalia) to collect myrrh trees needed for the incense used in temple ceremonies.


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